A project of:

The Big Lift

A project of:

Let's Read

San Mateo County

A website developed to support young readers and their families

Young girl staring forward with blue sky in background

How Do I Use The Site?

Learn about how reading works. Learn about the different skills that children need to be confident readers.

Learn about reading milestones. Get tips for supporting your child at home.

Things to Know about Reading

young boy placing magnet on classroom whiteboard

Each Child Will Progress Differently

Your child may make a lot of progress at once, or they might stay at the same place for a while. They may still be working on milestones from a previous grade, or be ahead in some areas. The goal is for your child to have access to grade level instruction, but also individual support where needed. Talk to your child’s teacher about their specific needs.

Literacy in your home language will support literacy in English

We encourage families to read, write and talk together in their home language. Learning rooted in home language and culture is valuable for a student’s sense of pride and identity. It also supports their development in English literacy. Students who have strong levels of literacy in their home language are more likely to do well in English.

Children with Individual Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Plans may need additional support or accommodations to meet literacy standards.

For students receiving Special Education Services, goals are driven by IEPs and should focus on developmentally-appropriate targets. Children with more extensive needs may make more incremental progress or need to demonstrate their skills in a different way, such as through symbols, gestures or gaze. Your feedback and goals for your child are a critical part of the IEP team process. Talk to your child’s Special Education teacher to discuss how their goals and services support access to standards.
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Your child’s school assesses reading at different points during the school year. Talk to your teacher to learn more about these assessments and to find out if your child is on track.